"I do confess that I must stress that lepidoptera is the best"
- Me
↑ Just popped into my head for no reason. But yes they are "the best" as are all my little friends are. Lepidoptera just happens to be one my most favorites.
I must thank that wonderful blessed exhibit as it's responsible for making me fall head over heels in love with them with such an intensity it's shocking. I've always loved them. But I guess now that I'm older I appreciate all of my "childhood" memories and experiences with them even more and treasure all the new ones I've experienced.
Along with that is the way I feel now being around them or thinking of them........it's so peaceful warm calming and happy. Not to mention serious bouts of nostalgia which I love.
This is normal yes? My friends don't exactly understand it all. But they've said that I'm "Obsessed with butterflies now aren't you?" I didn't understand exactly what they meant being that I was "obsessed" with insects in general all my life but thinking back now........Yes ^^;;;
They've occupied the "insect chamber" of my brain ever since the opening of said exhibit. I cannot wait till Spring fashion comes in because they'll be invading my clothes, jewelry and anything else I can find them on.
Oh yes and they've pretty much taken over this blog too. And I'm still not done with the photos from the museum! 0_0
No way! That's what everyone tells me as well!!! They'd say if not for my job, I'd probably live butterflies 24/7 with the occasional break here and there to eat and perform other bodily functions. And why not??? They're hard to to obsess about!!! They bring inspiration to artists and scientists alike!
No way! That's what everyone tells me as well!!! They'd say if not for my job, I'd probably live butterflies 24/7 with the occasional break here and there to eat and perform other bodily functions. And why not??? They're hard to to obsess about!!! They bring inspiration to artists and scientists alike!
Cyren I'd LIVE in that exhibit if it were possible. And I've actually thought of it too. Like as long as I have a source of food and a bathroom I'm good. =)
Now I wonder how I'd go about doing this but my mom would kill me and my friend would most likely either kidnap me or tell my mom "Leave her in there she looks so happy" :P
I love trying to draw them too. Need more practice though. ^^;;
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