Description Wingspan of 55-65 mm. A medium sized light gray butterfly with darker coloured wing margins. The sexes are similar. The upperside is marked with a row of post-median ocelli on both wings. There is a series of short wavy bands hanging off the costal margin of the forewing. The underside ground color is much paler, and the hind wing has an oblique line running across the wing. The markings and the intensity of colour on the undersides of this butterfly are quite variable; the dry season forms showing the lightest colour and fewest markings.
HabitsIts behavior is very similar to that of the other pansies except in egg laying. It will often lay eggs on plants above the waterline in rice fields or open water bodies. The larvae are capable of surviving a rise in water levels by moving to high ground or other host plants nearby with relative ease. Like the other pansies, it joins migratory flights.
Info and photo from
here. These are also known as "Buckeyes". Never knew there were so many!