Wednesday, May 25, 2011


So I went to the park today finally!! It's been too long and was GREATLY rewarded with members of the Lepidoptera family (I thank you greatly):

1. Tiger Swallowtail ANOTHER ONE! That makes 3 altogether I've seen around my neighborhood. Starting to keep track now.

2. A Comma or a Fritillary? 90% it was a comma. Little sneaky bugger was too fast for me to get a good look at it.

3. Eastern Tailed Blue?

4. Mating hoverflies?

And a hoverfly mimicking a honeybee.........RESEARCH!! I'll get back to you! ^___________^


Deutzia gracilis
Philadelphia Orange
Mystery Flower #1
Mystery Flower #2 Looks like Ajuga sp. but isn't. X_X

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